8th ACM Celebration of Women in Computing
Virtual in CET timezone (with collocated on-site activities if possible)
from Prague, Czech Republic, on 22-24 September 2021
Open to all genders, womENcourage™ initiated by ACM-W Europe is aimed at connecting women from diverse technical disciplines and encouraging them to pursue their education and profession in computing.
womENcourage 2021 Conference Theme: Bridging Communities to Foster Innovation
This year’s ACM womENcourage 2021 is celebrating all attempts to bridge communities to foster innovation. We are celebrating bridges built across boundaries of disciplines, boundaries between industry and academia, as well as boundaries among homogeneous communities, inviting individuals of all genders, nationalities and ages to co-create together.
Why join the conference?
To find (1) inspiration and connection, (2) challenge and validation, (3) encouragement and support, (4) purpose, and (5) opportunity.